Biology Equipments:
Sl No |
Particulars |
1 |
Compound Microscope |
2 |
Simple Microscope |
3 |
Over head projector (OHP) |
4 |
Arc Auxano meter |
5 |
Former's polo meter |
6 |
Ganong's light Screem |
7 |
Biovisual chart:- family Malvaceat |
8 |
Biovisual chart:- Family Apocynacear |
9 |
Biovisual chart:- Pollionation |
10 |
Biovisual chart:- Dild sunflower storm |
11 |
Biovisual chart:- Human liver + Pancreas |
12 |
Biovisual chart:- Monoc of Maize sterm |
13 |
Biovisual chart:- Types of fruits |
14 |
Biovisual chart:- Life History of silkmoth |
15 |
Biovisual chart:- Ultra structure of plant cell |
16 |
Biovisual chart:- Ultra structure of Animal cell |
17 |
Biovisual chart:- Endocrine glands |
18 |
Insectivores diherbal plants (Nepenthis) |
19 |
Epiphytic Reducor bottle specimen |
20 |
Agaricus ,, ,, ,, |
21 |
Corolloid roots of cycas ,, ,, |
22 |
Microsporo phase of ,, ,, |
23 |
Megasporophyll of cycas ,, ,, |
24 |
Insectivores plant Droscera ,, ,, |
25 |
Shark fish bottle specimen |
26 |
Sucker fish bottle specimen |
27 |
Sea torse bottle specimen |
28 |
Electric ring fish bottle specimen |
29 |
Frog bottle specimen |
30 |
Sal numander bottle specimen |
31 |
Caltis bottle specimen |
32 |
Chalendon bottle specimen |
33 |
Cobra poisonous snake bottle specimen |
34 |
Krait bottle specimen |
35 |
Wall lizard bottle specimen |
36 |
Water snake bottle specimen |
37 |
Bat bottle specimen |
38 |
Tape worm parasite bottle specimen |
39 |
Liver fluke parasite bottle specimen |
40 |
Ascaris lumbricoids parasite bottle specimen |
41 |
Neries parasite bottle specimen |
42 |
Planaria parasite bottle specimen |
43 |
Leech parasite bottle specimen |
44 |
Crab parasite bottle specimen |
45 |
Millipede bottle specimen |
46 |
Prawn bottle specimen |
47 |
Scorphion bottle specimen |
48 |
Contipele bottle specimen |
49 |
Grass hopper (Insect) bottle specimen |
50 |
Red coral bottle specimen |
51 |
Brain bottle specimen |
52 |
Mushroom coral bottle specimen |
53 |
Sycon bottle specimen |
54 |
Fresh H2O Spinge bottle specimen |
55 |
Hydra bottle specimen |
56 |
Physalia bottle specimen |
57 |
Pistia (offset) bottle specimen |
58 |
Betel Climbing roets bottle specimen |
59 |
Oxalis (Rumnes) bottle specimen |
60 |
Fasciculated roots dahlia bottle specimen |
61 |
Pneumate phore roots auscania bottle specimen |
62 |
Aggregate Fruit |
63 |
Ferm Nephrorephis withsort bottle specimen |
64 |
Amoeba slide bottle specimen |
65 |
Euglena bottle specimen |
66 |
Paramesium bottle specimen |
67 |
Hydra bottle specimen |
68 |
Obelia Colony Slide |
69 |
Spicular of sponges slide |
70 |
Epemagneules of sponge slide |
71 |
Cockroach, mouths parts slide |
72 |
Mitosis Stages, 4 stages, slide each |
73 |
Dicot stans- Ex sunflower slide |
74 |
Monocot Maize stage slide |
75 |
Dicot sunflower root slide |
76 |
Monocot Maize root slide |
77 |
Frog: Embryology slide each |
78 |
Epithelial tissue slide |
79 |
Cardiac Muscles slide |
80 |
Striated muscles slide |
81 |
Hyalise Cartilage slide |
82 |
Man molian bore slide |
83 |
Histology of liver slide |
84 |
Histology of pancreas slide |
85 |
Histology of small intestine slide |
86 |
Nostac Thales slide |
87 |
T. S. of Gill of Agaricus |
88 |
T. S. of fertile Penna with sort |
89 |
Pro Thallus of Ferm with sort |
90 |
Spirogyra halles structure slide |
91 |
Riccia Thalices W.M. Slide |
92 |
Cycas Ovale structure slide |
93 |
Verticella slide |